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Counseling Practice of Anne Allanketner LPC
respect compassion insight creativity
Anne's poetry with music by Ron Gordon:

These poems are from  Spells of Mending. They address issues common to growth and maturation. They are intended to spark thought and conversation. My hope is that listening to them will be emotionally deepening and contribute, generally, to healing and growth.

The poems do not replace medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment. They are entertainment not intervention. You are free to pass them by if they do not meet your needs or they upset you. Feel free to pass the links on to anyone that you think would enjoy them.

Loving the Odd Child Loving the Odd Child

This is a short poemsong about loyalty to oneself, and wise self care, leading to expression in the world.

Crystalline Structures

This musical poem describes the highly sensitive person attempting to navigate the world. It suggests learning to value sensitivity and love yourself the way that you are.

Wound Into Song

This is a poetic description of healing from childhood abuse, becoming empowered and learning to love oneself.

For American Men

This is a mending story in poetic form addressing the oppression of men in our western culture.

Come To Your Body

This is an invitation to inhabit and enjoy one's own body. It includes references to being emotionally disconnected from the body because of past violence or bad treatment. It invites gentle reconnection and joyous belonging to the physical experience.

The Bridge Between Men and Women

A joyous and tender account of working with relationship between men and women.

Spell for Peace

This is a short rhythmic call for peace.